Poinsettia Orders Due!
It's time to order flowers to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas! Order forms can be found in the church bulletins for the next 2 weeks and should be returned by… Continue Reading Poinsettia Orders Due!
It's time to order flowers to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas! Order forms can be found in the church bulletins for the next 2 weeks and should be returned by… Continue Reading Poinsettia Orders Due!
You are invited!
This is a private event held weekly in Rauner Hall.
Calling all prayer warriors!
Our faithful leaders join together monthly to discuss and decide on items related to the church's growth and direction.
Join us for a spiritual journey as we explore our emotions!
NUMC is proud to be called home for Boy Scout Troop 370.
Are you skilled with a needle and thread?
Join us for an in depth study of the Scripture.
Rauner Hall is reserved for the Regency of Newtown Homeowner/Board meetings